Friday, November 30, 2012

Supersymmetry Fails Test, Forcing Physics to Seek New Ideas

With the Large Hadron Collider unable to find the particles that the theory says must exist, the field of particle physics is back to its "nightmare scenario"

particle physics, Large Hadron Collider, LHC, supersymmetry, standard modelLHC TUNNEL: No hints of ?new physics? beyond the predictions of the Standard Model have turned up in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, a 17-mile circular tunnel at CERN Laboratory in Switzerland that slams protons together at high energies. Image: CERN

From Simons Science News


As a young theorist in Moscow in 1982, Mikhail Shifman became enthralled with an elegant new theory called supersymmetry that attempted to incorporate the known elementary particles into a more complete inventory of the universe.

?My papers from that time really radiate enthusiasm,? said Shifman, now a 63-year-old professor at the University of Minnesota. Over the decades, he and thousands of other physicists developed the supersymmetry hypothesis, confident that experiments would confirm it. ?But nature apparently doesn?t want it,? he said. ?At least not in its original simple form.?

With the world?s largest supercollider unable to find any of the particles the theory says must exist, Shifman is joining a growing chorus of researchers urging their peers to change course.

In an essay posted last month on the physics website, Shifman called on his colleagues to abandon the path of ?developing contrived baroque-like aesthetically unappealing modifications? of supersymmetry to get around the fact that more straightforward versions of the theory have failed experimental tests. The time has come, he wrote, to ?start thinking and developing new ideas.?

But there is little to build on. So far, no hints of "new physics" beyond the Standard Model ? the accepted set of equations describing the known elementary particles ? have shown up in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, operated by the European research laboratory CERN outside Geneva, or anywhere else. (The recently discovered Higgs boson was predicted by the Standard Model.) The latest round of proton-smashing experiments, presented earlier this month at the Hadron Collider Physics conference in Kyoto, Japan, ruled out another broad class of supersymmetry models, as well as other theories of ?new physics,? by finding nothing unexpected in the rates of several particle decays.

?Of course, it is disappointing,? Shifman said. ?We?re not gods. We?re not prophets. In the absence of some guidance from experimental data, how do you guess something about nature??

Younger particle physicists now face a tough choice: follow the decades-long trail their mentors blazed, adopting evermore contrived versions of supersymmetry, or strike out on their own, without guidance from any intriguing new data.

"It's a difficult question that most of us are trying not to answer yet," said Adam Falkowski, a theoretical particle physicist from the University of Paris-South in Orsay, France, who is currently working at CERN. In a blog post about the recent experimental results, Falkowski joked that it was time to start applying for jobs in neuroscience.

?There?s no way you can really call it encouraging,? said Stephen Martin, a high-energy particle physicist at Northern Illinois University who works on supersymmetry, or SUSY for short. ?I?m certainly not someone who believes SUSY has to be right; I just can?t think of anything better.?

Supersymmetry has dominated the particle physics landscape for decades, to the exclusion of all but a few alternative theories of physics beyond the Standard Model.

?It's hard to overstate just how much particle physicists of the past 20 to 30 years have invested in SUSY as a hypothesis, so the failure of the idea is going to have major implications for the field,? said Peter Woit, a particle theorist and mathematician at Columbia University.

The theory is alluring for three primary reasons: It predicts the existence of particles that could constitute "dark matter," an invisible substance that permeates the outskirts of galaxies. It unifies three of the fundamental forces at high energies. And ? by far the biggest motivation for studying supersymmetry ? it solves a conundrum in physics known as the hierarchy problem.


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Practical Suggestions For Creating Competitive Internet Marketing ...

There are few things more fascinating than Affiliate marketing. There are many different avenues one can pursue to tailor marketing strategies directly to your business for optimal success. However, this can confuse someone who is new to the process as it can be overwhelming when first starting out. The information contained in this article will prepare you to meet that challenge.

TIP! Try to market without resorting to spam. People can tell the difference between comments that have been mass generated and ones that you?ve thoughtfully written yourself.

Utilize emotions in your advertising as a way to get people attached to your products. An emotional connection with your product gives it an identity and contributes to its appeal. Utilize language like ?security,? ?relief? and other desirable description words.

TIP! Try getting legitimate people in your industry to do interviews. Make sure that you get their legal permission before publishing anything to avoid major legal repercussions.

Emails are vital to effective Internet marketing. It is important to protect your emails. Although free webmail is great, you have to be wary of services that automatically delete older messages. Complete access to your email history is absolutely vital. Archive your emails, and keep them protected.

TIP! Offer auto-ship programs to your customers when they buy a consumable product. For example, if they buy computer paper you could offer them a deep discount for signing up to receive a box every single month.

Incorporate new social medial avenues like Twitter and Facebook into all new internet promotion efforts. Social media websites keep you in constant contact with your visitors, providing a fast, easy way to send out updates or promotions. However, beware of being overly promotional in your comments and tweets. Rather, use these sites to promote interesting posts along with your marketing messages.

TIP! Having a user-friendly 500 error page is a very helpful tool. If your data codes do not work this might happen.

A smart tip for Website marketing is adjusting your content and delivering it in a way that your customers always feel they are controlling what happens. Customers feel this is important because of all the spam out there. Make it clear that their participating is optional in order to boost your credibility.

TIP! You might also consider bundling the merchandise with a similar product and selling it at a bargain price. Advertisements for sales or promotions must be detailed and contain the exact conditions of the offer.

Use the word ?fast? in your ad campaigns, with strategic placement of it throughout your sales pages. Time means more in business than money so make sure you do everything quickly.

TIP! Your internet marketing venture won?t work on luck alone; you need to have persistence and dedication too. You will never come across a big business that just happened to ?luck? into fame and fortune.

Even if you hit a few bumps in the road when it comes to online marketing, you must persevere. Don?t give up too easily, you may be on the precipice of success. Make sure your webpage is polished before setting it up and opening it up for sales. Sometimes this takes intensive work. That said, this work is what will make you successful in the end.

TIP! Know your competition when you market on the Internet. You may easily look at the competition?s web site to see the features they might have.

Use tech tools to find how well your internet promotion campaign is working for you. Many major online companies offer a variety of easily customized integrated web add-ons and trackers that compare the number of visitors against the number of sales and repeat visitors.

TIP! Have more than one section on your site with a central hub where visitors can look at your products. Adding content while keeping an easy to navigate structure is key.

Try offering to put a portion of every purchase toward a relevant charity if that is something that will appeal to your audience. This information should be clearly stated on your website. It does not need to be a huge percentage to see additional sales.

TIP! There are several distinct markets in Internet marketing. For example, it?s possible for search engines to change their approach and stop using title tags as a factor in rankings.

Try putting a blog on your site and updating it regularly. If you blog regularly, you are giving yourself another forum through which you can inform consumers. Blogs also give your website a lot of extra content, which appeals to search engines and will improve your rankings.

TIP! Give rewards to your customers for referring others to your site. You can easily turn one sale into five by offering customers a free product or a refund for referring five friends to the site.

A frequently-asked questions page (FAQ) makes an excellent model for your Web marketing content. Provide a well-thought-out response for each question, and don?t be afraid to self-sell where appropriate. Try to write in a relaxed manner, and mention your products without seeming to force them on your reader.

TIP! Producing online videos that include tags can help your online marketing campaign succeed. Make sure to use back links to your site in the video descriptions.

Advertising is an essential component of marketing your business on the Internet. It is worth the money in the long run because advertising your business will play a huge role in how much business you receive. It will help you generate business with customers you may not get any other way.

TIP! Give people a reason to come back to your site: you could for instance advertise new limited offers every week. Maintaining the customer list you currently have is important and showing a great level of generosity will really make your company look great.

Use popular websites to advertise your company online. Having your brand recognized can be a powerful way to increase your business success. The trick here is to find a site that?s in your niche and to make sure that you?re advertising on a popular page that receives a lot of hits.

TIP! One piece of internet marketing wisdom some webmasters overlook is to keep websites simple. Adobe Flash and other multimedia tools can be seductive to website owners, so professional website designers push these tools.

Small sellers may be overwhelmed by how competitive the online market is. To stay ahead of the competition, adjust your prices often and take your competition?s prices into account when you do. Also, establish your own online store that gives folks the opportunity to buy any of your products in one place.

TIP! It is common knowledge that an authority position in a business generates respect. Let people know you are the top dog.

For help with marketing on the Internet, you might want to create some sort of customer management database. You can use this to see the purchasing habits of all your customers. Get in touch with your best customers; send them more shopping suggestions, coupons, limited offers and free samples.

TIP! Make sure the word ?guaranteed? appears somewhere in your marketing copy. Although the term ?guaranteed? is dependent on how good the company is, people like hearing that they aren?t taking risks if they choose to buy your product.

You could bring more traffic to your site by offering a free service. Users will come to your site just to get your free offer and if your site is appealing, they may want to use your service. You could, for instance, offer free samples, discounts, free tools and items your readers can download.

TIP! Internet marketing should produce further marketing campaigns. The whole purpose is to generate a cyclical customer base gleaned from a system that allows users to search for, locate and purchase your products.

Testing your email marketing will help you decipher what works and what doesn?t in terms of getting action from your customers. A/B testings is a great option. Develop an email campaign, then change one thing in the email itself. You will be comparing the effectiveness of the alternate versions, so make sure that only one thing is different, whether it is the introduction, the call to action, or the subject line. Send email ?A? (the original) and ?B? (the changed version) to an equal number of customers chosen at random. Observe the results. Keep track of these methods to find out which one works the best. Then use that one for the rest of your marketing campaign.

TIP! Video marketing is an awesome way to generate interest in your business. The addition of a short video to your site can really work well to attract the customer?s interest in what you are offering.

Web marketing will open up new possibilities for your business. Internet marketing offers many customizable options which can seem overwhelming. The tips here should make things a little simpler for you.

TIP! It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on a consultant for your marketing business as there are many resources available online to help you decide on your marketing approach. There are online communities, blogs, e-books, and seminars available to help you out.


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Why SEO Should be a Fundamental Element of Your Lead ...

Many businesses realise the hard way after investing in a website that traffic, leads and sales do not magically appear on the internet. Businesses are competing with millions of websites to be seen, and this is where search engine optimisation comes in. It is no longer good enough to just have a website, you need to make sure it can be found through the major search engines and this is why SEO is so important.

A website that is not optimised is as successful at attracting new clients to your business as the sign above your business. It is only visible to those that are standing directly in front of it or who already know your business is there. People in the next street, the next town, the next city will have no idea you even exist.

why seo

That?s why SEO needs to be high on your list of imperatives. If you are not continually working on your online presence to boost and maintain your search engine rankings, your company will likely experience a poor return on investment for its online marketing efforts. Without a search engine optimisation strategy, your organisation could be losing countless potential prospects and new business to competitors who are focusing on SEO.

While many business owners believe that SEO can be a ?set it and forget it? exercise it is more evident than ever that it requires constant vigilance and adjustment. Major shifts in the area of search have been taking place over the last few years and businesses that don?t adjust will see their listings sink to the bottom of the results pages.

Search Engine Optimisation is still new to many businesses and because of that it can be hard for department heads or business owners to justify investing in SEO. Here are some facts that might help your decision:

Top 10 Reasons Why SEO is Worth the Investment

Close Rate ? According to HubSpot?s 2012 State of Inbound Marketing, SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, which are 8 times more likely to close into customers than outbound leads.

People Search for a Reason ? Search engines are one of the most popular ways that people find information and make purchasing decisions. According to info please, 81% of internet users say they use the internet to do research on a product before buying.

why seo

Real time, All the time ? The internet is alive and speaking to your potential clients 24/7/365. So while your business is closed and there is no one manning the phone lines a perfectly optimised website can be providing useful and valid information about your products and services, helping them conduct their research and putting you in the prime position when they are ready to buy.

Branding ? SEO helps improve brand awareness. People are more likely to move forward with a company if they have an online presence that fills the searcher with trust. By showing up where users expect you to be and having a great online reputation you can earn that trust.

Relevance ? Search engine marketing enables brands to reach the audience that is most likely to be interested in their products or services. This can be contextually, where results are based on what the searcher is particularly looking for or location based, where your audience is at the moment of time. Both of which add to why SEO is so important for business.

Reach ? According to UKOM in September 2012, over 42 million individuals in the UK where online, that is 69.4% of the total population and on average people spent 25:44hrs online.

why seo

Creativity ? Search engine optimisation offers businesses and marketing teams a limitless creative canvas to attract and captivate their target audience through multimedia: video, audio, imagery, text, all of which can be used to drive customer engagement.

Long Term Benefits ? A print advert, a direct mail campaign, a radio advert once delivered is gone and if your target audience miss the advert there is little chance of them finding t again. If you have a website that is optimised for targeted keywords that drive traffic on a daily basis you will have the opportunity to engage potential clients on a day by day basis for years to come.

Competition ? in most cases doing something because everybody else is doing it is not necessarily a strong argument. However if a business is serious about generating a healthy supply of leads then not being optimised while others in the niche have adopted a local seo strategy, will mean that those leads, prospects and sales will be going straight to those that have made the investment.

Organic ? In a recent report conducted by GroupM carried out with Nielsen, Evaluating the Search Marketing Landscape, it was found that only 6% of clicks were from paid search while a massive 94% were from searches in the organic listings. This in itself highlights why SEO, and having your business listed for key terms related to your business and niche in the organic listings, is so important for business.

Accountability ? Unique to the internet is the ability to show the entire customer journey: the number of sales, newsletter sign ups, the number of times people click on your listing in the search engines, where they go, what they interact with and much, much more.

All of this information can then be used to work out where to target your efforts to increase conversions.

Although it can be difficult to justify spending money on something that doesn?t yield immediate results and comes with few guarantees, it?s important to realise that SEO is a lasting investment and can be a fundamental part of your lead generation strategy moving forward.

Consumers are using the internet for everything, as the demand for information about products and services continues to increase and the numbers of ways people can access the information evolve, search engine optimisation is not going away. In fact the need is only going to get stronger. So instead of asking why SEO is a good investment, maybe you should be asking yourself why didn?t we invest in SEO sooner?


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

100% How to Survive a Plague

All Critics (46) | Top Critics (22) | Fresh (45) | Rotten (0)

A raw history, often cluttered and sometimes repetitive but, when strategies fail along with immune systems, deeply affecting.

Presents a valuable template for how grassroots activism can temper societal prejudice and challenge governmental indifference in the face of a mysterious and remorseless killer.

[A] powerful, messy and tremendously moving documentary ...

"How to Survive a Plague" captures a saddening, maddening era that seems like far too many lifetimes ago.

It can feel inchoate, dropping the viewer in the middle of events without much context, and it exacts an emotional toll. But its raw quality also makes it compelling viewing.

Plague isn't the history of a disease so much as the history of a movement, and a portrait of those who refused to suffer passively.

Compelling, important and inspiring documentary about the fight against AIDS.

Beautifully inspiring and, obviously, also a great cautionary tale.

A riveting look at LGBT protesters during the AIDS crisis - and an object lesson that if the revolution is going to be televised, it's good to have the revolutionaries holding the cameras.

This is a moving documentary, as hopeful as it is tragic.

A serious, moving and sometimes astonishingly well-organized documentary about the history of AIDS activism.

The title doesn't necessarily convey this, but "How to Survive a Plague" is an inspiring and hopeful documentary.

[An] unflinching look at the activists' mistakes and acheivements, their regrets, their very solemn pride at a victory attained at so high a cost.

Ultimately, the story presented by the former reporter for Boston's defunct Gay Community News is one of hope.

At once a fascinating history and a compelling call to action.

This amazingly well-done, admirably dry-eyed documentary about a true human victory over what was once a universal death sentence might well be the year's finest.

... compelling as a recent historical document, but also has contemporary resonance in its depiction of the influence of activism on social causes.

No quotes approved yet for How to Survive a Plague. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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D.C. has Highest Mortgage Payment | Daily Business News

> Finance, home buyers, News Item, Trends > D.C. has Highest Mortgage Payment

OriginationNews informs MHProNews at $1,642 a month Washington, D.C. has the highest mortgage payment, accounting for 31 percent of household income, according to Lending Tree. Hawaii ranked second with a monthly average payment of $1,536, and California was third at $1,446 a month. Both Hawaii?s and California?s payments represented 30 percent of household income. D.C. also had the highest loan amount at $331,886. In the survey, 15 of the 51? areas studied have an average monthly payment above $1,000. At $711 a month, Nebraska had the lowest mortgage payment, followed by Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Missouri.

(Image credit: caudium)

Categories: Finance, home buyers, News Item, Trends Tags: accounting, hawaii, household income, iowa oklahoma, lending tree, lowest mortgage, metropolitan areas, MHProNews, mortgage payment, Nebraska, Washington D.C.


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No Comments - Susan Goldberg Executive Search Consulting ...

Are you up for it?? You?re invited to?witness a new blog:? Susan Goldberg from SGES co-launched a new blog,? The Wonderland Odyssey.? It is being used in conjunction with the co-authoring of a business book, ?The Wonderland Odyssey, Turning Leadership on its Hat? by Susan and Rebecca Lacy from Pinnacle Management Group. Susan and Rebecca met through a mutual contact via linkedin and have been working on the book for a year.? What started out as sharing business experiences and giving support in the consulting professions (executive search consulting and training)? became?a discovery?of mutual passions, views, compatible personality traits and values.??One of the results of this relationship, besides making business introductions and offering leads, was a driving force to write a book.?? The work? is an unconventional business book from two unconventional business consultants: one in New York City, the other in the countryside of St. Louis.? It is a business book for anyone who wants to learn about leadership, running and managing a business, entrepreneurialism, working with others, selfknowledge, self assessment, and personal development, but can?t abide reading any business book from cover to cover because it never holds your interest.? Want something different?? You can read about, follow and join?the whole experience on the blog:

Tags: entrepreneurial, Larry Lacy, leadership, leadership development, Pinnacle Management Group Inc., PMG International, Rebecca Lacy, SGES, Susan Goldberg, Susan Goldberg Executive Search Consulting, Wonderland


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What Is an Atmospheric River?

A gigantic storm is set to hit the West Coast later today, bringing with it over a foot of rain. It's what meteorologists call an Atmospheric River—but what is that, exactly? More »


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Investor sues HP over Autonomy deal

14 hrs.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Hewlett-Packard was sued on Monday by an investor who claimed the company knew statements about its Autonomy acquisition were misleading and led the stock to fall, according to lawyers representing the plaintiff.

The proposed class action lawsuit was filed in a San Francisco federal court.

HP dropped a bombshell last Tuesday with an $8.8 billion write-down on its acquisition of British software firm Autonomy, saying the company inflated sales with improper accounting. Autonomy co-founder Mike Lynch has denied any wrongdoing.

HP bought Autonomy for a hefty $11.1 billion last year. HP has said it alerted regulators on both sides of the Atlantic.

The lawsuit, one of the first to be filed by investors on the Autonomy mess, said HP hid the fact it gained control of Autonomy based on financial statements that could not be relied upon. It also said that HP had not revealed to investors that it tried to undo the Autonomy agreement before it closed because of the accounting issues.?


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Lace Up the Ice Skates for Some Great, Old-Fashioned Fun ...

What?s that you say? ?The temperatures are dropping and you?re already peering outside your window, looking for the first signs of spring? ?Not so fast. ?True, winter means snow storms, bone-chilling winds, shoveling, icy roads, hazardous driving and a lot of other things we?d all rather forget.

But winter also brings opportunities for a wide array of great outdoor activities, including a traditional favorite?ice skating. ?As you begin to think about enjoying some great outdoor fun this winter, Patch offers up the following directory of ponds and rinks to get you in the mood!

Slice of Ice in Red Arrow Park, Milwaukee
It's time to show the world: are you graceful and strong, like Oksana Baiul, or clumsy and knock-kneed, like an ox standing on two butter knives? Red Arrow Park's Slice of Ice is a refrigerated skating rink along Milwaukee's main downtown drag, Water Street, and is open through March if weather permits. Skating is free if you have your own equipment, but there is a marginal charge for renting skates. Slice of Ice is located at 920 N. Water St.
For more information:

Pettit National Ice Center, Milwaukee
Just a stone?s throw from Wauwatosa at 500 S. 84th Street, the Pettit Center is an official U.S. Olympic trial and training facility with a 400-meter speed-skating oval and to full-size hockey rinks. It offers public skating at posted hours and also hosts hockey teams, figure skating, and skating lessons. ?Each Tuesday (10 a.m.-11 a.m.) it's Senior Skate, a session just for those 55 and over! Please call for exact dates or any scheduling changes.?For more information, visit:

Wilson Ice Arena, Milwaukee?
Wilson Ice Arena is located just outside of Greenfield to the east at 4001 S. 20 Street. The Recreation Center building houses the indoor Ice Arena, where you can skate year-round. The 17,000 square-foot?sheet of?groomed ice?is a standard NHL-sized rink, 200 by 85 feet. The Arena has?seating for 2,000, team locker rooms with showers, a concession area, and rental figure skates in a full range of sizes. The ice arena is available for rent for tournaments, competitions and social or business outings. The adjacent lobby is well suited for catered events.
For more information?

Greendale Ice Rink
Located in the Greendale Village Center near the Middle School, the rink was put together by residents in winter 2010-2011. The rink is maintained by the community and parking is available on the street and in the Municipal?Lot?and Greendale?Middle School.

For more information and photos, visit these sites:

Henry Miller Park ? Oak Creek
Located at 315 E. Groveland Drive, Henry Miller Park?has a pond that freezes over in the winter and has been used for an ice skating rink. The park is right next to Oak Creek High School and is frequently used for picnics and other community events.

Veteran?s Memorial Park, Port Washington
When the weather gets cold, Veteran's Memorial Park along Lake Michigan in Port Washington is always busy! The lakefront location at 430 N Lake St ?WI 53074 continues to offer a great place for people to head ? with a pair of ice skates. A small rink is available during the winter months.

Lake Park, Milwaukee
The ice skating area is located at 2975 N Lake Park Rd?and it features public skating on weekdays 3-8pm and weekends 12:30-8pm. Ice Hockey is also available weekdays 8-10pm and weekends 8-10pm. For more information, call the Lake Park?Friends Office?at (414) 962-1680.

Ozaukee Ice Center, Mequon
If you think it's too cold outside to hit up an ice rink, head indoors with a pair of skates at the Ozaukee Ice Center in Mequon. The center is located at 5505 West Pioneer Road. Rentals cost $3 and admission is free for all Ozaukee County residents. Call (262) 375-1100 to learn more and find out about open skate times.
For more information, visit

Longacre Skating Pavilion, Fox Point
Longacre Pavilion is right next to Stormonth Elementary at 7343 N Longacre Rd. Skaters are invited to go inside the pavilion to warm up. The skating pavilion hosts games and events regularly, and is open to the public.?Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 7pm; Sat, Sun, by appointment. ?Free parking is available.

Cahill Square Park Ice Rink, Whitefish Bay
An old fire house was used to create the skating rink at Cahill Park, located at 4950 N Woodruff Avenue. ?Once the weather provides a long stretch of frigid temperatures, several residents come together to create the ice. The project is the success of Debra Dryden and neighbor Lori Rojas, after they approached the Village Board and urged them to approve the yearly construction of the ice rink. Lots of free parking.

Armory Park, Sussex
Ice skate away your winter blues at the rink at Armory Park, W240N5765 Maple Avenue in Sussex. An ice skating/skateboarding rink offers seasonal opportunities for the daring.?The rink is open daily, sunrise - 9:00 p.m.

Eble Park, Brookfield
This public indoor ice skating rink is located at 19400 W. Bluemound Rd. Operated by the Waukesha County Park District, this arena is open every day for public skating. Hockey games for youths, adults and local schools are also held here. The ice rink can be rented out for birthdays and other events as well.

Wauwatosa Curling Club Rink, Wauwatosa
The Wauwatosa Curling Club Rink is located in the Muellner Building at Hart Park, 7300 W. Chestnut Street. The rink has limited public skating hours because the Curling Club holds the lease to this indoor rink. But members graciously agree to open it up during the holidays, where the smooth ice and comfortable temperatures make for fine skating even in the worst (or warmest) winter weather. Hours are posted on the city website at Wauwatosa kids always skate free, non-residents pay $2. Adult residents, $2; non-residents $4. All Wauwatosa residents skate free Dec 26 through 30.

Jacobus Park Lagoon, Wauwatosa
Located at 6501 Hillside Lane, this outdoor skating venue is surrounded by woods and the picturesque Jacobus Park Pavilion, The lagoon can be an absolute jewel on a quiet winter evening when the weather is chilly but calm. On the other hand, it can be an adventure if squads of local kids gather for a hockey game. It's groomed sometimes by the Milwaukee County Parks staff and regularly by neighborhood volunteers. When the park is staffed during daylight hours, the warm-up room in the basement of the pavilion offers bathrooms and benches for changing into and out of skates.


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What keeps a cell's energy source going

What keeps a cell's energy source going [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Nov-2012
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Contact: Karen Kreeger
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

PHILADELPHIA Most healthy cells rely on a complicated process to produce the fuel ATP. Knowing how ATP is produced by the cell's energy storehouse the mitochondria -- is important for understanding a cell's normal state, as well as what happens when things go wrong, for example in cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and many rare disorders of the mitochondria.

Two years ago, Kevin Foskett, PhD, professor of Physiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues discovered that fundamental control of ATP production is an ongoing shuttle of calcium to the mitochondria from another cell compartment. They found that mitochondria rely on this transfer to make enough ATP to support normal cell metabolism.

Foskett's lab and the lab of colleague Muniswamy Madesh, PhD, at Temple University, discovered last month an essential mechanism that regulates the flow of calcium into mitochondria, described in the October 26 issue of Cell. They found that the mitochondrial protein MICU1 is required to establish the proper level of calcium uptake under normal conditions.

In a new paper out this week in Nature Cell Biology, the same Penn-Temple team describe a new protein and its function. Like MICU1, this new protein, MCUR1, interacts physically with MCU, the uniporter calcium ion channel within the mitochondria. Calcium uptake is driven by a voltage across the inner mitochondrial membrane and mediated by the calcium-selective ion channel called the uniporter.

"But this newly described protein, MCUR1, has the opposite role as MICU1," notes Foskett. "It seems to be a subunit that, together with MCU, is required for a functional uniporter calcium channel."

Many cell plasma membrane ion channels also have subunits that are required for those channels to work. Before this paper, there was no realization that this mitochondrial channel, MCU, did as well.

Maintaining the correct levels of calcium in the mitochondria plays an important role in cellular physiology: Calcium flux across the inner mitochondrial membrane regulates cell energy production and activation of cell-death pathways, for example. In MICU1's absence mitochondria become overloaded with calcium, generating excessive amounts of reactive oxygen molecules and eventually cell death. In contrast, in the absence of MCUR1, mitochondria cannot take up enough calcium. This also has detrimental effects: the cells cannot make enough ATP and they activate autophagy, a mechanism in which cells "eat themselves" to provide sufficient nutrients for survival

Both papers deal with the function of the uniporter, the calcium channel in the inner membrane of mitochondria that lets calcium get into the mitochondrial matrix where it can do good things like promote ATP synthesis and healthy bioenergetics, or bad things, like mitochondrial-mediated cell death, apoptosis and necrosis.

Because of these two papers, the uniporter is now recognized as a channel complex, containing -- at least -- MCU, MCUR1 and MICU1. Since the uniporter can be a therapeutic target is reperfusion injury, ischemic injury, and programmed cell death, MCUR1 and its interaction with MCU are now targets for drug development.


Other investigators contributing to the work include Cesar Cardenas, Jun Yang, Marioly Muller, Russell Miller, Jill E. Kolesar, Brett Kaufman, all from Penn; first author Karthik Mallilankaraman, Patrick Doonan, Harish C. Chandramoorthy, Krishna M. Irrinki, and Priyanka Madireddi, all from Temple; Tunde Golenar, Gyorgy Csordas, Gyorgy Hajnoczky, all from Thomas Jefferson University; and Jordi Molgo, Institute de Neurobiologie Alfred Fessard, Laboratoire de Neurobiolgie Cellulaire et Dveloppement, France.

Penn Medicine is one of the world's leading academic medical centers, dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and excellence in patient care. Penn Medicine consists of the Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1765 as the nation's first medical school) and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, which together form a $4.3 billion enterprise.

The Perelman School of Medicine is currently ranked #2 in U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $479.3 million awarded in the 2011 fiscal year.

The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report; Penn Presbyterian Medical Center; and Pennsylvania Hospital the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Penn Medicine also includes additional patient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region.

Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2011, Penn Medicine provided $854 million to benefit our community.

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What keeps a cell's energy source going [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Nov-2012
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Contact: Karen Kreeger
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

PHILADELPHIA Most healthy cells rely on a complicated process to produce the fuel ATP. Knowing how ATP is produced by the cell's energy storehouse the mitochondria -- is important for understanding a cell's normal state, as well as what happens when things go wrong, for example in cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and many rare disorders of the mitochondria.

Two years ago, Kevin Foskett, PhD, professor of Physiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues discovered that fundamental control of ATP production is an ongoing shuttle of calcium to the mitochondria from another cell compartment. They found that mitochondria rely on this transfer to make enough ATP to support normal cell metabolism.

Foskett's lab and the lab of colleague Muniswamy Madesh, PhD, at Temple University, discovered last month an essential mechanism that regulates the flow of calcium into mitochondria, described in the October 26 issue of Cell. They found that the mitochondrial protein MICU1 is required to establish the proper level of calcium uptake under normal conditions.

In a new paper out this week in Nature Cell Biology, the same Penn-Temple team describe a new protein and its function. Like MICU1, this new protein, MCUR1, interacts physically with MCU, the uniporter calcium ion channel within the mitochondria. Calcium uptake is driven by a voltage across the inner mitochondrial membrane and mediated by the calcium-selective ion channel called the uniporter.

"But this newly described protein, MCUR1, has the opposite role as MICU1," notes Foskett. "It seems to be a subunit that, together with MCU, is required for a functional uniporter calcium channel."

Many cell plasma membrane ion channels also have subunits that are required for those channels to work. Before this paper, there was no realization that this mitochondrial channel, MCU, did as well.

Maintaining the correct levels of calcium in the mitochondria plays an important role in cellular physiology: Calcium flux across the inner mitochondrial membrane regulates cell energy production and activation of cell-death pathways, for example. In MICU1's absence mitochondria become overloaded with calcium, generating excessive amounts of reactive oxygen molecules and eventually cell death. In contrast, in the absence of MCUR1, mitochondria cannot take up enough calcium. This also has detrimental effects: the cells cannot make enough ATP and they activate autophagy, a mechanism in which cells "eat themselves" to provide sufficient nutrients for survival

Both papers deal with the function of the uniporter, the calcium channel in the inner membrane of mitochondria that lets calcium get into the mitochondrial matrix where it can do good things like promote ATP synthesis and healthy bioenergetics, or bad things, like mitochondrial-mediated cell death, apoptosis and necrosis.

Because of these two papers, the uniporter is now recognized as a channel complex, containing -- at least -- MCU, MCUR1 and MICU1. Since the uniporter can be a therapeutic target is reperfusion injury, ischemic injury, and programmed cell death, MCUR1 and its interaction with MCU are now targets for drug development.


Other investigators contributing to the work include Cesar Cardenas, Jun Yang, Marioly Muller, Russell Miller, Jill E. Kolesar, Brett Kaufman, all from Penn; first author Karthik Mallilankaraman, Patrick Doonan, Harish C. Chandramoorthy, Krishna M. Irrinki, and Priyanka Madireddi, all from Temple; Tunde Golenar, Gyorgy Csordas, Gyorgy Hajnoczky, all from Thomas Jefferson University; and Jordi Molgo, Institute de Neurobiologie Alfred Fessard, Laboratoire de Neurobiolgie Cellulaire et Dveloppement, France.

Penn Medicine is one of the world's leading academic medical centers, dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and excellence in patient care. Penn Medicine consists of the Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1765 as the nation's first medical school) and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, which together form a $4.3 billion enterprise.

The Perelman School of Medicine is currently ranked #2 in U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $479.3 million awarded in the 2011 fiscal year.

The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report; Penn Presbyterian Medical Center; and Pennsylvania Hospital the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Penn Medicine also includes additional patient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region.

Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2011, Penn Medicine provided $854 million to benefit our community.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mathematical model unravels secret of a succesful relationship

Mathematical model unravels secret of a succesful relationship

Thursday 22 November 2012

mathematics%20and%20love.pngThe graphs show the relationship between Romeo (solid lines) and Juliet (broken lines) depending on the length of delay in their reactions.

If you?ve ever wondered why your relationships flounder, mathematicians at Radboud University in Nijmegen may have the answer ? it?s all about the oscillations in your relationship dynamics.

Natalia Bielczyk and her colleagues have developed a mathematical model for efficient communication in relationships which shows that the time partners take to respond to each other can be a determinant in their success or failure.

Love affair dynamics, Bielczyk says, can look like a sinus wave: a smooth repetitive oscillation of highs and lows. For some couples these waves grow out of control, leading to break-up, while for others they smooth into a state of peace and contentment.

The model shows that the wave's development depends on the time partners take to form their emotional reactions towards each other.

Romeo and Juliet

Bielszyk?s model is not the first of its kind. In 1988 mathematician Steven Strogatz was the first to plot the course of true love mathematically by constructing a two-dimensional model describing the emotional interaction, taking Romeo and Juliet as an example. What Strogatz didn?t do and Bielczyk did, was include delays in the partners? responses to each other.

Bielszyk says the results are ?intuitive? and as such, have a place in social psychology.

Working at communicating properly, studying each others emotions and working out the right timing can improve your relationships, even without trying to change your partners traits, Bielczyk says.

The paper has been published on the Applied Mathematics and Computation journal.

Can maths explain the mystery of a good relationship? Share your thoughts using the comment box below.



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Locked-out Lundqvist finally finds game to play

NEW YORK (AP) ? Henrik Lundqvist finally found a game to play.

It won't be under the bright lights of Madison Square Garden or in front of a hostile crowd in Philadelphia. But it will be meaningful and rewarding in a unique way.

Like players and fans all across North America and the world, the New York Rangers goalie misses the NHL. Lundqvist has run the gamut of emotions as the long lockout lingers. His thirst to get back on the ice will be quenched Saturday night ? however briefly ? as he joins other hockey stars in giving back to people who were ravaged by Hurricane Sandy.

Lundqvist will step on the ice in storm-damaged Atlantic City, N.J., along with Rangers teammates and foes from the Flyers and other teams to join forces in lending a helping hand to those recovering from the devastation.


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Friday, November 23, 2012

Chemical "Soup" Clouds Connection between Toxins and Poor Health

chemical,government,toxicCHEMICAL CRUSADER: Through her leadership at NIEHS and NTP over the past three years, Linda Birnbaum has pursued a broad vision of environmental health that incorporates gene?environment interactions along with the impacts of disease, diet, stress and other factors. Image: Courtesy of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)/Steve McCaw

From plastics to flame retardants, the ubiquitous chemicals of our daily lives have raised public health concerns like never before. Inside the Beltway, however, data-crunching scientists are often no match for industry lobbyists and corporate lawyers. The exception, no doubt, is Linda Birnbaum, the toxicologist who leads, two little-known scientific agencies, the National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP).

Last April, Birnbaum sat inside a Capitol Hill conference room packed with poker-faced chemical industry executives ready for a showdown. The NTP had recently issued its report on carcinogens?a sort of name-and-shame list of chemicals on which no company wants to find its products. Charles Maresca of the Small Business Administration?taking a stand for the maligned styrene industry?argued that the report was "based on inaccurate scientific information" and faulty peer review.

North Carolina congressman Brad Miller (D) was unimpressed. He took the microphone and described Birnbaum's resume of more than 700 publications in public health, toxicology and environmental science. Removing his black reading glasses, he glanced at Maresca, and delivered the fatal blow with relish: "And you're a lawyer. Isn't that right?"

If Birnbaum got a kick out of the put-down, she didn?t show it. After 33 years working as a federal scientist at both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the NIEHS, Birnbaum's career is a study in the way science becomes law and the ways lobbyists subvert science. She has watched her contributions to an EPA report on dioxin sit in limbo for 20 years, she has worked to study the health impacts of types of asbestos that are not legally recognized as asbestos and she has challenged the chemical industry in her pursuit for answers about the controversial chemical bisphenol A (BPA).

Through her leadership at NIEHS and NTP over the past three years, she has pursued a broad vision of environmental health that incorporates gene?environment interactions along with the impacts of disease, diet, stress and other factors. She has also tried to make the NIEHS quick on its feet: After the 2010 BP oil spill, she initiated the Gulf Long-Term Follow-Up (GuLF) study, the first extended review of the health effects of an oil spill.

Scientific American sat down with Birnbaum in Washington, D.C., to learn more about environmental health, toxic chemistry and the politics of chemical regulation.

[An edited transcript of the interview follows.]

How did you become interested in toxicology?
When I was in eighth grade at Benjamin Franklin Junior High School in Teaneck, New Jersey, I had a science teacher who was an attractive, peppy, young blonde woman who was also the cheerleading coach. I was a cheerleader, and that positive reinforcement made it okay to like science.

I became interested in thyroid hormones. I can't tell you exactly why, but I had written to a local pharmaceutical company and asked if they could give me some rats and some chemicals. That's something that would never happen easily today?but they did it! I got a letter from them that said, "Please come. We'd like to talk to you." The next thing I knew, I had 40 rats in four cages and feed and bedding and everything else, along with thyroid hormone and chemicals that block thyroid hormone.

They let you keep the rats at your house?
Yeah. We had them in my basement.

What did your parents say about that?
My parents were really incredibly supportive?even when one escaped. I eventually found its body and put it in the freezer figuring I'd dissect it at some point. But my grandmother went in thinking it was a package of ground beef. She had a little bit of a fright.

How much of human disease is due to environmental exposures?
The estimates vary, and it depends on how you define environment. People often say it's about 30 percent. I think that's defining environment fairly narrowly, considering only environmental chemical exposures, but your environment includes the food you eat, the drugs you take, the psychosocial stress you're exposed to and so forth. After all, what's the difference between a drug and an environmental chemical? One you intentionally take and the other one you don't. Considering all that, I would say then the environment is much more than 30 percent.

We also know?especially from studies of identical versus fraternal twins?that for many different diseases, genetics is not the whole story. Actually, I think it's time to stop asking, "Is this caused by genes or is this caused by the environment?" because in almost all cases, it's going to be both.

Why has it been so difficult to link environmental exposures to specific health consequences?
Nobody is exposed to one chemical at a time, right? I mean we live in a soup of chemicals and we live in a soup of exposures. Here, I'm having a lemonade. Well, it's not only lemon in here. I'm sure there's some sugar. There might be a preservative or something. I don't know what's in this. So think of all those things interacting, but when we test chemicals in the lab we tend to test them one at a time.

I guess we don't consider these other types of exposures.
Right. A high-fat diet, for example, can completely change the way your body handles chemicals. Exposure to a certain chemical may lower your ability to respond to an infection. At EPA we did a lot of studies exposing rats and mice to air pollutants and then to bacterial infections or influenza infections. Those who were exposed to pollution were more likely to die, whereas those in clean air recovered.


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NHTSA executive joins Google to build driverless cars

If you were looking to progress autonomous cars from the experimental stage to the mainstream implementation stage,?the deputy director of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?is someone you?d want on your team, Ernst writes.

By Kurt Ernst,?Guest blogger / November 22, 2012

Google co-founder Sergey listens to California Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr. during a bill signing for driverless cars at Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., in this September 2012 file photo. The deputy director of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is bound for Google, where he will assume the role of director of safety for self-driving cars, Ernst writes.

Eric Risberg/AP/File


Ron Medford is currently the deputy director of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which makes him second in command of the agency responsible for establishing motorvehicle safety?standards.

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This website offers the?best car news, photos, spy shots, and auto-show coverage. Click here?for car news?from around the world ? and around the clock.

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Medford has been involved with the federal government for over four decades, and has had a hand in both the?upcoming Corporate Average Fuel Economy requirements?as well as key NHTSA safety investigations in recent years.

In other words, if you were looking to progress autonomous cars from the experimental stage to the mainstream implementation stage, Ron Medford is a man you?d want on your team.

As?The Detroit News?reports, Medford will vacate his NHTSA post in January, bound for Google, Inc., where he will assume the role of director of?safety?for self-driving cars. Though eager to assume his new role, Medford is ?bittersweet,? in his own words, over leaving the NHTSA.?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Are you spending too much on monthly services?

A monthly bill means that every single month, like clockwork, you?re going to have to spend some of your hard-earned dough, Hamm writes.?

By Trent Hamm,?Guest blogger / November 22, 2012

In this October 2012 file photo, a woman holds up a Netflix envelope to be photographed in front of a Netflix application on a television in East Derry, N.H. Monthly fees for services like Netflix are a constant drain, Hamm writes.

Charles Krupa/AP/File


When we first ran into our financial wall, the first action I took was to head to the library and check out a pile of books on personal finance. I brought home at least a dozen books and I started reading them rapidly and taking notes.

Skip to next paragraph Trent Hamm

The Simple Dollar is a blog for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two. Our busy lives are crazy enough without having to compare five hundred mutual funds ? we just want simple ways to manage our finances and save a little money.

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One theme that popped up over and over again was cutting costs. At first, I didn?t really know how to approach this idea, so one Sunday afternoon, Sarah and I went through all of our monthly bills and credit card statements. We decided to highlight everything we found that was?not?an absolute necessity.

So, we ignored things like energy bills, rent, groceries, car payments, and insurance, and we highlighted everything else.

This left us with a big pile of highlighted items that we started sifting through slowly. After a little while, we simply began asking ourselves a simple question about each item.?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren and Scarlett Johansson in Hitchcock.

Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, and Scarlett Johansson in Hitchcock

Photo by Suzanne Tenner/Fox Searchlight Pictures.

Sacha Gervasi?s Hitchcock is a pleasant but unambitious, small-scale biopic, not dissimilar in spirit from last year?s My Week with Marilyn. It reconstructs and freely fictionalizes a brief period in its famous subject?s life, never really aspiring (or daring) to offer much more than a blurred but generally flattering snapshot of the complicated, difficult person at its center. I wouldn?t recommend Hitchcock to cinephiles seeking a bold new take on the master?s life or work, but if all you want is to while away the afternoon in the company of some excellent actors in plummy period costume, Gervasi?s film is not without its pleasures. ?

For truth in advertising?s sake, Hitchcock (scripted by John McLaughlin from a book by Stephen Rebello) should have been called The Hitchcocks. More than a portrait of the phlegmatic filmmaker himself, it?s a portrait of his marriage to Alma Reville Hitchcock, who was credited as a co-screenwriter on some films (Suspicion, Shadow of a Doubt) and collaborated, closely but anonymously, on nearly all of them. Alma had a reputation as an unerring script adviser and an eagle-eyed viewer?upon viewing a near-final cut of Psycho, she was the only one to notice that Janet Leigh, who was supposed to be dead on the shower floor, had swallowed before the camera cut away.

As played by the dryly witty and drop-dead sexy Helen Mirren, Alma is both Hitch?s intellectual equal and his biggest fan?even if she is getting fed up, not just with her professional invisibility, but with her husband?s tendency to overeat, drink too much, and pine over headshots of cool blond actresses while she sleeps alone in her twin-size bed. But when Hitch, fresh from the critical and commercial success of North by Northwest, gets it into his head to commission a script based loosely on the Robert Bloch novel Psycho (which was in turn based on the grisly real-life story of murderer Ed Gein), everyone from Alma to his agent Lew Wasserman (Michael Stuhlbarg) to the head of Paramount Studios tries to convince him it?s a sick, unmarketable, possibly career-killing idea. This only increases Hitch?s commitment to making the picture, and he eventually gets Alma to agree to self-finance the movie, risking their lavish Bel Air mansion in the process.

As the Psycho shoot gets under way, Hitch and Alma are drawn into separate not-quite romances: He?s nursing a grudge against the actress Vera Miles (Jessica Biel) for having withdrawn from the lead in Vertigo after getting pregnant. Ever one for tormenting his leading ladies, Hitch gives Miles a small role in Psycho in order to alternately tease and ignore her while flagrantly crushing on his new star, Janet Leigh (Scarlett Johansson). As for Alma, she?s working on a script for a non-Hitchcock film with the smooth-talking younger screenwriter Whitfield Cook (Danny Huston), who rents the two of them a beachside ?writing cottage? that looks better suited to afternoon delight than to literary collaboration.

These obstacles thrown in the way of the Hitchcocks? domestic happiness can feel at once melodramatic and trivial, as if the screenwriter simply needed to give the Hitchcocks something to do while we wait for them to realize both the primacy of their marriage bond and the deep interdependency between his work and hers. Unfortunately, since copyright restrictions forbade either the use of any images from Psycho or the literal recreation of such images, the on-set scenes also prove vaguely unsatisfying (though Gervasi does think of a few clever workarounds, framing well-known shots from slightly different points of view).

Hitchcock errs in yoking its realistic showbiz narrative to a bizarre recurring fantasy that has Hitchcock sharing unsettling confidences with the psychotic grave robber Ed Gein (Michael Wincott). It?s unclear whether Hitchcock experiences these as creative daydreams, invasive nightmares, or both, but whatever tone of macabre whimsy Gervasi was shooting for in these scenes never quite lands, and you find yourself dreading the murky lighting and faux-Bernard Herrmann music (actually composed by Danny Elfman) that presages a Gein appearance.

James D?Arcy does an uncanny Anthony Perkins in a powerful audition scene (though not much more is required of him than that, since the character soon all but disappears) and Kurtwood Smith continues his career-long roll as the go-to heavy, playing an MPAA censor whom Hitch must convince to release the film despite its then-unprecedented levels of nudity and gore.

Director Gervasi, who directed the sweet-spirited rock documentary Anvil! The Story of Anvil, is at his best when he chills out on the self-conscious stylistic touches (fantasy sequences, direct address to the camera, etc.) and lets Hopkins and Mirren as the prickly, warring, but ultimately loyal Hitchcocks have at it. Hopkins? performance, though not an out-and-out impersonation?his speech is measurably faster than the director?s froglike croak?is pleasurably broad, even a little campy. Encased in a latex fat suit, eating foie gras by the tinful, he plays the master of suspense as a vulnerable neurotic whose great strength was his ability to mine that neurosis for his art. As for Mirren, she knows exactly what sort of movie she?s in?a lightweight show-business romance with snazzy period costumes, a TV-ready happy ending, and a few scenes that give her a chance to cut the acting rug (for the first time in their careers!) with Anthony Hopkins. She?ll be damned if she isn?t going to enjoy every minute of it, and as long as she?s on screen, so do we.


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Spinning Exercise-Health and Fitness | Health

Sports fans will talk about it, most of this oath, and is supposed to be a great year, what has already been spun? Going round and round, but returned to make all this activity is mind-boggling, but instead of a spinning dervishes be forgiven for thinking that something similar to what might be involved.
Yarn strength, endurance, and recovery to focus on high-intensity purpose-built indoor stationary bike that uses a particular type of organized sports activities. Type of exercise bike used for this type of group you are in class with motion programs differ in terms of weighted flywheel, and exerts a special and different from normal ones.
Study of the course guides the present and the music makes exercise fun.Spinning exercise programs designed for different muscle groups of the legs, including the 5 basic movements.
*Sitting straight up and down the street and warm cold are used to simulate the position is used. The hands are kept in this position at the center of the handlebar.
*Standing or working in a flat position of the hands of two (positions 12 to 14 inch handlebars) should be in the body is more upright.
*Horses used to be 8 seconds or less with the two positions is a combination of seated and standing positions.
*Seated climbing turns less per minute is increased resistance to cycling.
*Requires a wide range of hands and a little ?getting behind the wheel to be separate pedals for forward and implement the maximum force does not need people.
*In addition to working with this type of resistance to more spinning moves, jumps a hill, sitting flat Sprint, seated and standing Hill Hill Sprint Sprint.
The music is usually a rotating part of a class, may be motivated to work harder and therefore can help to synchronize a rider pedals their own music beats. , Climbs, jumps and runs and so helps protect the driver?s pedaling rhythm, but also changing the music alone can help the movement.
Yarn is a close escape from the outside at night after a collision during a training session developed by Johnny Goldberg. Spinning is an exercise in effective action to learn more about the bike shop, exercise, visit the website to watch the spinning and spinning can get more information on related events.
Spinning Exercise-Health and Fitness

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